Don’t give a S#@!
I can hear the waves of the ocean and feel salt in my hair. I feel so content and relaxed for about 47 seconds. Times up. Someone has sand in their eyes, another needs more cheesies. I roll my pale ass off my trendy inflatable beach chair, pick my wedge and tend to business. No one knows me here and it’s so liberating. I have a “I don’t give a shit” aroma radiating from my every orifice. No one to judge my parenting skills, no one to whisper about how inappropriate my bathing suit is, shit I might go topless!
I’m not the only one either. Everyone here is on vacation and loving life. The “I don’t give a shit” must be in the drinking water. I guess this is why it’s called a vacation. Your vacating your everyday life for a few weeks and it’s awesome.
As I sit watching my son play with his new friend Franco (a boy who speaks 0 English) I realize something. They are so innocent. Here they are, so extremely different but essentially the same. No means of communication but their love for making sand castles and pools of wet slop. They don’t care about what kind of bathing suit they are wearing, or what brand of sunscreen they have on or even what future opportunities their life may present. They are on vacation, permanently, until society teaches them differently.
Why does our vacation attitude need to leave with the humidity when we step off the plane into the cold Canadian air? Because society says so? Sure we have jobs to show up for, money to make, fridges to fill, and school drop offs to do but what about that relaxed tropical attitude?! It May just be my piña colada talking but I don’t want to give up this feeling in 7 days. When I’m here my husband’s farts don’t seem to smell as bad, my children’s demands feel less demanding even cooking here feels less like a chore and more like a pleasure. I wonder if I could find a gift shop that sells bottles of “don’t give a shit”?
This is all easy for me to suggest while I’m lying in a hammock being gently rocked by the warm ocean air. I too fall right back into the hustle and bustle of my crazy busy life. I have to, right?
I think most of us are grateful for our jobs, our schools, sports, houses, friends etc, etc. I know I do. There’s not much I would change in my life! However there is one thing I could change that might impact it all, my attitude. Sure life will go on with it busy self but I can take a shot of “don’t give a shit” with my vitamins every morning and it might go a long way!
Maybe I’ll yell a little less, maybe we’ll eat cereal for dinner twice this week instead of once, perhaps I won’t stress about the amount of laundry I need to do or how messy my house is. Maybe I’ll have a glass of wine while the kids are napping and watch Ellen instead of catching up on work.
Who spends a gross amount of time on Facebook? Social media. Come on, nod with me, you know you do. We all do. It’s hard to not get sucked into this virtual world where people can say what they like, find answers about anything and share their life with the world. I’m grateful for social media. It’s how my business grows and how my family can watch my kids grow. But is it holding us back a bit? Are we too focused on other people’s lives that we forget to live our own? Mommy networks are notorious for this. Scrolling through to give advice on various things while our kids are asking us to watch as they slide down the big slide or jump over a wave. I’m not judging. I catch myself on my phone missing out on my life! And each time I do I realize I won’t ever get that moment back. I want you to take a shot of “don’t give a shit” with me! Next time your scrolling the mommy network, Facebook, or googling ask yourself is this moment worth it? Or can it wait. Does this person really need my option now? Do I need this answer right away? The truth is our life flies by. We assume we have time. I recently spent time with a good friend in the hospital as he got news that he might not have the kind of time we take for granted.
The same day I began writing this my boys stole my phone and put on their favorite song. It’s the only song I have on my phone and that’s ok because it’s a bitchin tune. As my boys dance like fools to the words of Rod Stewart’s forever young this blog seems to have a little more weight to it. Not 10 mins later my husband plays a random song and starts singing the words “you thought you had time”. Well shit, this blog not only feels like it’s meant to be but it feels pretty heavy now.
I’m not saying let’s all boycott Facebook! Mommy networks and such are great places for help and advice but they can also suck you dry. This goes for our busy lives. Hockey practice, dance class, work, the gym, cleaning, dinner, and going to the post office can leave you with nothing left.
The sound of the locals on the street singing and dancing have got me humming Bob Marley’s one love. I think bob Marley was a wise man. He clung on to the beautiful innocents those two boys playing together in the sand have. A carefree attitude. Sure he may have had some chemical help but I think he knew the importance of choosing to be free more often than we do. I bless whatever beverage is closes to you now (probably coffee) to become “don’t give a shit”. Drink with me and sing the words of a wise man “one love, one heart, let’s get together and feel alright”. Salute!