Mountains and Valleys

3d ultrasound, doulas, Induction, Drugs, no drugs, delayed cord clamping, eye ointment, birth plans, swaddling, bassinet or crib, co sleeping, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, carrier, car seat, strollers, baby monitors, sound machines, sleep training, attachment parenting, early entry, wither or not to follow them when they move or enjoy your retirement. From the moment parents become parents to be they …

Clear as Mud

Spring forward, fall back. Some people will love the extra hour of sleep this fall but as a parent most dread it. Some parents struggle with their little ones on a normal day! They are up through out the night and now have to wake up at 5am instead of 6am! Thanks daylight savings. Thanks. There’s also the parents who …

Starring Back at Me

31 years ago a baby girl was born in an Ontario hospital. Her mother wanted to breastfeed desperately but could not get the baby to latch well. She breastfeed for a few weeks but discontinued due to severe nipple pain. She did not have support or education she needed to be successful. This story is all too familiar for many …

Beyond These 4 Walls

Sleep training, sleep solutions, sleep consulting. What does this mean to you? Do you think “I would never!” “Cry it out causes detriment to your child” or “heck yes when can I start?!” It’s true that a mama’s intuition plays a huge role when deciding what is right for you and your baby but what about science?! One mama’s opinion …

Planting Seeds

Take a look at the picture above. What do you see. First instinctual thought. Keep that thought in mind. When I was trying to decide what topic would be best for my first blog my brain was exploding with ideas. It was one summer day while at the cottage with my family that THE hottest topic literally came up in …